Physical Inventory Counting Scales

Why Should Your Business Do Physical Inventory?

Most businesses use inventory tracking systems to keep track of what parts they have available in their stock. However over the course of a year human error occurs and what you actually have on your shelves versus what your inventory system shows can often vary. Overstocking or under stocking shelves with inventory cost businesses every year, either by not being able to fill orders on time or by having left over stock of outdated parts that the business no longer needs. Physical inventories use to be a long drawn out process, that is no longer the case with counting scales.

How Do Counting Scales Work?

Counting Scales work by taking an average piece weight from a sample placed on the scale. After a sample has been entered the counting scale will calculate what the average piece weight is of one part. Once the scale has an average piece weight parts can be placed onto the scale and the scale will show a total count of what is currently being weighed.

What Kind Of Parts Can A Counting Scale Count?

Counting Scales are able to count any of the same exact part, screws, electrical connectors, wire, washers, nails, resistors, paper sheets even corrugated boxes just to name a few. As long as a sufficient sample is weighed the scale will be able to calculate an average piece weight and provide a high accuracy total count.

Can Counting Scales Count Small Pieces?

Counting Scales will count parts smaller than 0.00001 lbs or extremely heavy parts, this can be achieved with the proper counting scales. With extremely light parts we like to use a dual counting scale system. There are several scales that can be setup to achieve this. The Ohaus Ranger 3000, Ohaus Ranger 4000 or the Rice Lake Weighing Systems Counterpart is an excellent choice when it comes to dual counting scale systems. Scale one or the “Home Scale” is setup to be the sample scale while a larger capacity scale two or “remote scale” is designed to calculate the total count of a particular part. Floor scales can also be setup as scale two for large capacity small parts counting or with large parts high capacity counting.
Counting scale

How Accurate Are Counting Scales For Physical Inventories?

Most scale manufacturers will claim their counting scales have an accuracy of 99.0 Percent. Industrial Scale has found with the proper setup, counting scales provide a counting accuracy of more than 99.5 percent. Hand counting has statistically been proven to have an error of several percent when trying to count as little as 100 pieces.

How Much Time Can You Save Using Counting Scales On Your Next Physical Inventory?

The amount of time that will be saved by using counting scales versus hand counting for your physical inventory is substantial. Industrial Scale has provided counting scales to some of the largest companies in the world for their physical inventories. For the past several years now one business has gone from 500 employees needed for physical inventory down to less than 100 employees. Not only did we reduce the amount of manpower needed, we were able to reduce shutdown time from 7 days down to just 2 days. This has saved them several million dollars of lost production time per day. We have also provided counting scales to hundreds of smaller businesses for their physical inventory in which they are usually done in less than a day or so with the proper amount of scales for their size of inventory.

Industrial Scale can also provide onsite technical support and assistance during physical inventories. Industrial Scale’s onsite support has been proven to reduce human errors as well additional down time during physical inventories. We are able to correct human errors as we see them or provide additional training as needed. Let’s face it accidents happen during this hectic time, and scales do get damaged by operators. We are able to have spare systems ready to go to swap out damaged systems to keep your physical inventory running as smoothly as possible.

Renting Counting Scales For Physical Inventories

Renting counting scales is a huge benefit for businesses. Industrial Scale is able to provide businesses large quantities of extremely user friendly, high-end and quality counting scales for a fraction of what it would cost to purchase the counting scale system. No inventory is too large or too small we have hundreds of counting scales dedicated for physical inventories. Even if your business owns counting scales a specific capacity is needed for the type of parts to be accurately counted. There is no one capacity works for all when it comes to counting parts. For example a scale that has a graduation of 0.1 lbs is not going to count parts that weigh .0001 lbs accurately. We tailor each counting scale system to our customer’s specific needs. Contact Industrial Scale before your next inventory; let our knowledge and expertise help you save time and money on your next physical inventory.

Give Us A Call For All Your Weighing Needs 262-679-9900 or Toll Free 1-800-924-8963